Ravens Watch Farm

This is the story of our adventures -- in gardening, food preservation, brewing, raising a variety of small livestock, and medieval-ism. We always have chickens, goats, and bees, and some summers we get lambs to raise on pasture. We also play in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA).

14th Century Italian fashion: final garments with concept sketch and inspiration -- "Scenes from the Life of Saint John the Baptist," 1387, by Niccolò di Pietro Gerini. Held at the National Museum in London (link)

Why "Ravens Watch Farm"?

Chickens are so happy when they get to run around the pasture and eat.

Because we have chickens. Like chickens everywhere, they are appealing snacks for all sorts of predators. Our sturdy fences keep out most critters, but the predatory birds who used our farm as a drive-thru diner... well! 

We lost a few chickens before we noticed that the pair of ravens who roost near our house LOUDLY object to aerial predators. Now, when we hear the ravens CAW CAW in warning, we run out and herd the chickens back into their safe coop. 

When the time came to name our little farm, who else should we honor -- but our friends and watch-birds, the ravens?

Articles on this Website

Learn how to sew a variety of medieval fashions, using a strategy for clothing construction that was common from (at least) 400AD -- 1300AD. We start with making your first tunic or gown, then introduce a variety of top layers and easy-to-sew accessories. 

This is a series of short videos that dive into slightly more advanced sewing techniques that are often challenging for new sewists:  inset sleeves, fully lined bodies, and converting a seam into a laced or buttoned opening.

There are also a few videos on alterations. How can you improve the fit on hand-me-down or off-the-rack medieval clothing?

This is an introduction to fermented non-alcoholic beverages and to "live meads". These simple, fast-to-drink recipes are very friendly to beginning brewers.

Sometimes, when you volunteer to fill a void -- like calendar/events deputy -- you learn things you never expected! I prepared this class for my future replacements... and for all the other people out there who handle communications and promotion (aka advertising) for an SCA event.

Ravens Watch Farm on Social Media


The star of our YouTube channel is the tutorial series, "Sewing Medieval Clothing -- For Modern Beginners". This series is aimed at beginning sewists looking to make and sew your first medieval costume, whether you are starting with rectangular construction or struggling with fitted sleeves.

There are also assorted cooking, gardening, and adorable farm animal videos.

Instagram is just for fun! This is a place to highlight some works-in-progress and photos from around the homestead.